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Envisioned (Immortal Chronicles Book 3) Page 8

  Darcie closed her eyes as she processed the information. When Des first told her she was a half-breed… a witch… he mentioned that her visions were signs of her power developing. But he never said that they would feel like they were killing her in the process.

  The memory of her latest vision hit her, and she groaned in understanding. “That’s what they were talking about.”


  Darcie parted her eyelids and looked at the confused immortal. “Des and Alexander. I had a vision while I was unconscious. They were talking about me, and the fact that my birthday is coming up.”

  Understanding, Eshe bobbed her head. “Yes. Apparently, powers fully emerge by a witch’s eighteenth birthday. Though,” her eyes darkened ever so slightly. “They are not supposed to nearly destroy you.”

  Lifting herself on her elbows, Darcie tilted her head to the side. “So, what happened to me isn’t normal?”

  “No,” Eshe frowned. “Not at all.”

  How can that be? Why would something as normal as developing powers.

  Darcie couldn’t help but laugh at herself for considering anything about the situation normal. It just goes to show how crazy her life had become if she readily accepted the latest information.

  “Eshe?” A masculine voice reverberated down the hallway, drawing nearer as it continued. “Are you in here?”

  Both women’s eyes moved to the doorway as Lome crossed the threshold. His hazel eyes focused on Eshe before traveling over the comforter and landing on Darcie.

  His steps ceased. “Darcie?” he said incredulously. “You are awake!”

  Before she had the chance to reply, Lome quickly closed the distance between himself and the bed. He bent at the waist, wrapped strong forearms around her back, and gathered Darcie in a hug.

  She released a breathy chuckle.

  Lome, misinterpreting the sound for one of pain, immediately dropped his hold. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I did not mean… Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. To back it up, she gave him a smile. “Aside from being tired, I feel good as new.”

  The bed dipped down as Lome sat on the side opposite of Eshe. “You scared us half to death, girl. Don’t do that again.”

  “I make no promises,” she joked, trying to erase the worry lines marring his face. “But I’ll do my best.”

  He managed to give her a small grin of his own.

  “Did you need something from me?” Eshe asked, drawing her husband’s attention.

  Lome turned to his wife. “Yes. Thane is hosting a meeting with Charmian and the clan who helped Darcie. I was wondering if you wanted to attend?”

  “Whoa. A meeting?” Darcie sat up and started kicking back the covers. “I want to go.”

  Tan hands landed on her shoulders, keeping her still. “Slow down,” Eshe said, leaning over and peering into her eyes. “You shouldn’t get out of bed. You still need to rest.”

  “I feel fine,” Darcie countered, even as she tried to hide the dizziness the sudden movement had caused. “I want to be there. I want to learn why the clan came to help me, and why I needed help in the first place.”

  Lome shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t know, Darcie. You just woke up. Besides, I do not believe Thane wishes to discuss your treatment. He is more concerned with rallying them to join the alliance at the moment.”

  Darcie rolled her eyes and continued working the blankets down until her legs were freed. Eshe leaned back, removing her hands. “Lome is right,” she said. “We can get more information about the clan another time. You shouldn’t overdo it.”

  “I’ve been lying here for five days,” Darcie gave both of the immortals a pointed look. “Fresh air could do wonders for my recovery.”

  Now, it was Eshe’s turn to roll her eyes.

  Darcie decided to play to her audience’s weaknesses. “You don’t like being left out either, Eshe,” she stated matter-of-factly. “You of all people should understand why I want to go.”

  Her ploy was not as covert as she thought. Eshe shook her head at the teenager. “This is different. You are unwell.”

  “I am perfectly fine. I don’t want to learn about anything secondhand. I want to hear it for myself.”

  “And I know they may not even discuss my treatment,” Darcie added quickly when she noticed Lome open his mouth for a rebuttal. “But I’m still interested in hearing if they will help the alliance or not. Des hopes to track Bella using their power. If they don’t agree to help, I’d be interest to hear their reason.”

  Neither of them said a word. Lome and Eshe shared a meaningful glance before Lome finally said, “You have to remain silent. Des would kill me if he knew I agreed to this.”

  Feeling victorious, Darcie swung her legs off the side of the bed and went to stand. Within a second, her shaky legs gave out, and she landed back on the mattress with a bounce.

  “Darcie…” Lome groaned. He stood up and looked down at her with worry. “You can’t even get up.”

  Undeterred, she said, “Someone can carry me.” There was no way she was going to stay in the bedroom when there was a clan of witches roaming the mansion. She wanted to see them for herself. And maybe they would reveal why they helped her in the first place.

  On cue, another presence entered the bedroom. Feeling a pair of eyes on her, Darcie twisted around and observed a well-built, dark-cloaked figure standing in the doorway.

  “Gregory,” she greeted happily, the solution to her problem already forming in her head. “Just the big, strong vampire I wanted to see.”


  Unlike the quaint meeting in one of the various parlors or studies located throughout the mansion, Darcie was surprised to find herself tucked away in one of the balcony boxes overlooking the ballroom. She shivered as she took in the grand stage at the side of the room. She hadn’t set foot in the ornately decorated room since the night of the ball – the night Adir managed to abduct her from right under the brothers’ noses.

  Forcing the memory away, she focused on the three immortals standing proudly below. Des, Lome, and Thane wore matching clothes. The navy-blue pants with gray stripes running down the side were reminiscent of military attire. Their crisp white shirts hid their immense arms and tan skin, but could not conceal the sheer size or power contained within each of them. The trio conversed lightly, looking entirely at ease. The impending meeting was not nearly as exciting for them as it was for Darcie. She could not wait to lay eyes on the beings who helped release her from the pain.

  As she watched their banter, her lips lifted when Lome playfully nudge Des after the immortal made some comment. Her eyes spent more time on Des, greedily roaming over him and taking in every aspect of his figure. She nearly lost her breath when he bestowed a smile upon the youngest brother. It was light and breathtaking.

  He looks so handsome.

  Darcie leaned away from the edge of the balcony. She really did not want Des to catch her ogling him from afar, nor did she want him to even know of her presence. It had been Lome’s one stipulation in finally agreeing to allow her to listen in on the meeting with the clan of witches. No one but Lome, Eshe, and Gregory knew she was awake.

  After Eshe assisted her with a much-needed bath and change of clothes, Gregory had lifted Darcie in his arms and carried the teen to her current location with very little coaxing. Aside from his relieved smile and comment that he was glad she felt better, the vampire had very little to say since stumbling into her bedroom. He was content to stand in the back corner of the room, watching Darcie and their surroundings like a hawk.

  She leaned over towards the immortal and whispered, “What is with the formality?” She could not understand why the brothers did not meet with the clan in a more reasonable setting. “This all seems a little over the top.”

  Eshe shrugged and very quietly answered, “Thane and Charmian like to create a special image for these particular half-breeds.”

  Probably to make thems
elves look more powerful.

  Armed with the strange information, Darcie sat in the box seat which hovered twenty feet above the room. She didn’t dare ask anything more as the space below her had grown nearly silent. Her feet bounced on the floor under her chair as she waited for the entrance of her rescuers.

  Off in the distance, a clock chimed the hour. Darcie waited with bated breath as the device released its last chime. Simultaneously, the ornately carved doors swung inward. The tall rectangular shape disappeared onto the other side of the doorway. Sitting forward, she watched the empty space for the newcomer’s entrance.

  The entire room let out a sigh as Alexander walked through the doorway. Darcie smirked and shook her head. She suspected the vampire had not been invited to the private meeting with the clan, and the frustrated expression marring Thane’s face confirmed as much.

  “Am I late?” Alex called out towards the brothers as he made his way across the room.

  Eshe let loose a low chuckle of her own. “Right on time, it seems.”

  Immediately, Darcie’s head whipped to her friend as the immortal covered her mouth. With wide eyes, Eshe did not move until she heard sounds resume below her. It seemed the immortal had forgotten about Alex’s superior hearing.

  “This is a private audience with the clan Nightsbane,” Thane stated. “Your presence is unwelcome.”

  Alex was undeterred. He continued walking and simply said, “I have friends in the Nightsbane clan. They would want to see me.”

  “You, a friend of Nightsbane?” The words were laced with disbelief. “I find that very hard to believe.”

  “It is true, Lord Thane,” Alex returned, managing to sound semi-respectful as he slipped in the title. “My presence among you may very well sway the clan into agreeing to help the alliance.”

  “He’s not lying,” Des said before Thane could express his continued doubt. “Alexander’s coven is one of the few to have established strong diplomatic relationships with various clans and packs. They may not blindly follow him into battle, but they will hear him out. Which is more than we can claim at this point.”

  Thane’s lips formed a tight line as he listened to his brother. He did not look pleased with the unannounced addition, but it was clear that he found himself unable to continue and deny Alex’s potential usefulness. “A vampire-hunting clan befriending a vampire coven. Who would have thought it?” The statements were said aloud.

  Before anyone could comment, Thane added, “Please refrain from speaking until I give you leave to.”

  Alexander bowed low, his black hair falling over his eyes. “Of course.” He stood up and moved to climb the stairs to stand slightly behind Des. The immortal gave his friend a sharp nod in greeting before turning forward and adopting a no-nonsense posture.

  Darcie slumped back in her chair, relieved Thane seemed able to see reason despite his recent state of brash and irrational behavior. If Alexander could somehow sway the witches to help in the hunt for Bella, his presence was absolutely invaluable.

  Air moved around Darcie as Gregory bent down until his lips were centimeters from her ear. “You can see more standing in the back of the balcony.” His words were even less than a whisper, and she knew that somehow his words were able to escape the attention of the vampire below.

  She lifted her eyebrows in response, not trusting her own quiet speaking skills. Wouldn’t they be able to see her if she stood up?

  Gregory held out a hand and placed a finger over his lips with the other. Taking the offer, Darcie let him wrap cool, pale fingers around her small palm. Without knowing what was happening, the balcony swirled around her. Wind tore at her hair as Gregory swiftly moved her from the front-row seat to the back of the high box, stopping milliseconds after beginning.

  Darcie nearly choked in surprise, but Gregory quickly placed his smooth hands against her lips. Repeating his “keep quiet” gesture, the vampire did offer her a smile at her surprise. When she nodded in compliance, he lowered both of his hands.

  Eshe glided across the balcony and positioned herself beside Darcie. The way the lighting hit the box, the seats were illuminated by the crystal chandelier above, but were concealed by the tall ledge. Now, the trio stood concealed in shadow. Darcie could sweep her eyes across the entire ballroom, but no one from below would be able to see them unless they really looked.

  Movement to her left drew the entire room’s attention. Charmian’s auburn hair was piled high and her chin lifted regally as she entered the ballroom. The brothers were not the only ones dressed for the occasion. Darcie thought Charmian looked beautiful in the shimmering green gown. It’s elegant lace sleeves and encrusted bodice looked out of place for a mid-afternoon meeting, but the immortal definitely pulled the look off.

  “Please forgive my tardiness,” her voice sang through the empty space. “My offspring needed rest after their journey.”

  Hearing her mention offspring, Darcie eyes immediately moved to the open doors behind Charmian. Her legs threatened to crumple beneath her as she watched seven individuals with purple cloaks enter the room in a V formation. Gregory’s hands instinctively grabbed onto her elbows to keep her upright.

  Darcie’s blood ran cold and her entire body shivered from the sudden chill.

  They were in my head. The terror-filled memory assaulted her senses. One of them attacked me.

  Gregory’s grip tightened and he pulled her back against his firm chest. She couldn’t speak. She refused to get caught before learning anything about the mysterious clan who saved her life. Eshe watched her with concern, clearly wanting to ask what had her so frightened. Darcie could only shake her head, silently telling her friend to not worry about it at the moment.

  Still secured in Gregory’s arms, Darcie’s pupils followed the entering clan. They stopped just behind Charmian where the entire entourage lowered to the ground in the most deferential greeting she’d seen the immortal brothers receive.

  Charmian held out her hand, signaling for her offspring to remain in the suppliant position, as she said, “You have before you the leading seven of Nightsbane, the most powerful clan of my offspring.”

  “Master Ben,” the lead cloak rose in response to Charmian’s call, “is the warlock responsible for the girl’s healing.”

  The warlock lowered his deep hood and revealed an ordinary head of close-cropped brown hair. Knowing she couldn’t step away from Gregory and hope to remain standing, Darcie had to content herself with stretching her neck forward to try and get a better view of the man. Without the eerie darkness and soundless sweeps of his cloak, he did not seem so frightening.

  “Thank you, Master Ben. We appreciate all you have done to ensure our guest’s recovery.” Darcie was surprised to hear Lome, not Des, express the gratitude.

  Probably another attempt to appear indifferent, she acknowledged.

  The warlock bowed at the waist. “We help our own. I regret we were not here to assist the girl sooner.”

  “How did you know where she was?” Des asked. He did not attempt to hide his suspicion. “Or that she was in trouble?”

  Master Ben looked at Charmian. The immortal gave him an almost imperceptible nod before he turned to face the six immortals still crouched behind him. He flicked his wrist, and one of the two hooded figures located next in the formation stood with grace.

  The warlock looked back at the stage. “Mistress Jennifer only recently returned to her position within Nightsbane. It was she,” he told Des, “who became aware of the girl’s ailment.”

  Des turned his assessing gaze to the cloaked woman. “How did you become privy to such information?” Darcie could read the intentions in Des’ stance. He was waiting for the reply, and if it was anything short of reasonable, she did not doubt he would unleash his fury on the witch before him.

  The woman remained silent.

  Master Ben’s jaw twitched. “Jennifer, remove your hood.”

  The witch, Jennifer, did not move. For a second, Darcie thought she intend
ed to not heed the instruction. Then, the sleeves of the cloak slid down thin arms as she lifted her hands to her hood. Grabbing the edges, the woman lowered the obstructing cover to reveal a bright, blonde ponytail. Her back was straight as she met Des’ gaze.

  “Who are you?” Lome asked, tilting his head to the side. “You look… familiar.”

  The witch rotated slightly to look at Charmian for a guidance. Darcie’s hand flew to her mouth as she observed the woman’s new profile. The pert nose… the dimpled cheek… she’d seen them before.



  This can’t be happening. Darcie’s thoughts ran at a thousand miles an hour. That can’t be my mom.

  Darcie struggled to contain her internal dialogue. Now, more than ever, she needed to not be heard.

  She knew her mom was a witch, Alexander had revealed as much when he identified the reason behind her emerging visions. What the vampire did not say was that her mother was one of the leaders of a powerful clan.

  Darcie wanted to deny the woman standing at the foot of the stage was her long-lost mother, but the blonde hair and petite facial features were too familiar. She’d spent a good amount of her childhood staring at the exact same features in family photographs.

  I should have known when they said her name…

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. It was too much. Of all the things she expected to see or hear today, her long-lost mother was not one of them. Finally deciding they had enough of trying to regain their footing, her legs completely buckled.

  Gregory had loosened his hold once he thought she was regaining strength, but he quickly bent down to readjust his hold when she dropped. Realizing her entire body had gone limp, the vampire scooped her up before immediately turning around to exit the elevated balcony.

  Darcie wanted to object. She wanted to stay and hear what her mother had to say, but she was too physically and mentally exhausted to do anything but let her heavy head fall against Gregory’s shoulders.